Exam emergency box
We keep our fingers crossed for everyone who is doing their Abitur or another exam this year...Under these circumstances, an exam is a very special challenge! Nothing can go wrong with this cool exam emergency box:
- Math understanding pills (the fizzy candies will definitely help against black-out)
- Smash Ball named "Intelligence Beast". In the event of a short blackout, simply press firmly and squeeze, then the solution will surely come...
- Energy drink (without chemical additives, with caffeine), 200 ml
- Energy bar for a queasy stomach
- Notebook with saying "Have the courage to use your own mind"
- Brain teaser food for the nerves with lots of nuts and raisins - ideal as a small snack during the exam
- tissues (in case your nose runs or a tear rolls)
Nothing can go wrong with such a great box... We keep our fingers crossed 🥳😎😍
The box has a "good luck" sticker on the outside, so the friendly DHL messenger knows right away that he has to keep his fingers crossed...
Bestellungen bis 11.00h werden in der Regel noch am gleichen Tag verschickt.
Du kannst aber auch einen anderen Versandtag wählen, wenn das Paket erst an einem späteren Zeitpunkt beim Empfänger ankommen soll.
Wir versenden mit DHL und gewöhnlich sind Pakete dann innerhalb von 1-2 Werktagen beim Empfänger.
Rechnungen versenden wir ausschließlich per Mail an den Auftraggeber und legen diese NIE in die Geschenkboxen.